Burdens into Blessings

Whenever I write a devotional it’s usually straight from my heart. However, if there’s something in my personal devotional time that has been written by a saint who has now gone to be with the Lord I’m eager to pass it along. There are only a few such men and women who’s writings have continued to mine out such rich spiritual truths for me personally that at times I must let them speak for themselves and let the Holy Spirit do His work. Here is one of those treasures that I hope will minister to you as it has to me.

“My grace is sufficient for you.” 2 Cor 12:9

Even thorns and trial are blessings if they bring the opportunity for the grace of Christ to perfect our character. Some flowers, as the rose, must be crushed before their full fragrance is released. Some fruit, as the sycamore, must be bruised before it will attain ripeness and sweetness.

Some metals, as gold must be flung into the furnace before they reach full value and purity. The old oak log must be laid on the fire and the flames encircle it, before its imprisoned music is set free.

So it is often with the saints. It is true with many of us that we must be laid low before we will look high. God is in the hurricane, and instead of driving the scared mariner to destruction, it beats him into the safest of all harbors, the encircling arms of divine love.

The Cross was the step to the throne. And Jesus Himself has said, “My grace is sufficient for you”.  J. Sidlow Baxter


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