Don’t Give Up

Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes, and I shall observe it to the end. Psalm 119:33

About two years ago I bought my grandson a puzzle. It had twenty-five pieces that were large and colorful and easy to handle. I made sure it was age appropriate for his little hands and skill level. I was so excited as I envisioned the both of us enjoying the adventure. We both sat down and I put all the pieces on the table and tried to explain how we were going to put it all together. Within about thirty-seconds he was frustrated and wanted to give up. He kept saying, “I can’t do it nana, I can’t do it.” I sat patiently with him slowly putting each puzzle piece in his hand and kept looking at him saying, “You can do it, don’t give up.”

How often do we have the same attitude toward studying God’s word? We’ve committed to bible study so eager and excited only to give up after a few weeks. We want to learn how it is that others seem to have this crazy ability to get things out of God’s word, while we seem to over and over again lose the excitement and tell ourselves, “I can’t do it.” We start but we never follow through to the end.

I will never forget my first women’s bible study. I was intimidated and scared because I thought for sure that everyone but me, had this all figured out. I wanted to know and learn God’s word but felt I was way in over my head. The bible study consisted of teaching, small groups and homework. HOMEWORK? I was never the scholarly type in school and I wasn’t about to become one. I have to say, that the first year of committing to studying God’s word I kept telling myself to give up, I can’t do this.

What I discovered was, that in those small groups, there were women whom I could learn from and be encourage by. They were women just like me, some were older in the Lord and some were right where I was at. Each woman was learning and growing and being challenged and yes, some were even struggling along. But one thing was true of all of us. God was speaking to us individually as we were spending time in our bibles. There was slow and gradual growth as we committed not to give up.

By the end of that bible study season, I knew there was no turning back. I couldn’t return to settling for just  a few bible verses to get me through another week. God had sweetly kept whispering in my ear just like I did with my grandson, you can do this don’t give up.

Ladies, women’s bible study is for every woman no matter who we are or what our challenges may be. Teaching, small groups and homework may seem overwhelming when you consider the commitment involved. But, if you and I will just take it one day, one week, one month at a time, we will discover how God desires and does speak into our lives through the study of His word.  What adventure might be waiting for you if you join the ladies study? Don’t give up!

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