God Told Me…

“I did not send these prophets, but they ran. I did not speak to them, but they prophesied.” Jeremiah 23:21

Almost every day of the week you can click on your TV or surf the internet and find someone claiming, “The Lord said to me…” Bible history reveals to us that man has always had those who claim to hear from God. In the last decade or so, the media has glamorized mediums and spiritist’s who have a supposed special message.

In the prophet Jeremiah’s day, many false prophets claimed to know the mind of God. These men deceived the people of God and as a result there was national complacency, compromise, and wide spread delusion.

How can we be confident of who is truly speaking for God? We start by bathing our minds in the word of God. Not brief “snip its” of something inspirational, but rather daily reading through the scriptures. The more you develop your mind in the full counsel of God’s word, the more you will learn to discern truth from error. Remember, many ideas out there have bits of truth but it doesn’t mean that it is God tested and approved. 

1. What or whom do you rely on as your source of truth?

2. Are you content with quick “snip its” that sound good but are not growing you in the full counsel of God’s word?

3. How much time are you willing to devote to your bible to know God’s truth?

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