“Advertisers capitalize on the fact that the human heart is inclined to discontent; they’re only too happy to inform us how to meet our inner longings. We’re bombarded with visual images and alluring voices telling us that an exotic brand of hair color will make us irresistible to the opposite sex. Everywhere we turn, we are told what we need to make us happy— something we don’t already have.” Barbara Hughes
In our first devotion I asked you to read 2Cor 3:18. The word “image” is nestled in their by our infinitely wise and all- knowing God. Did He know from before the beginning of His creation that image would be one of the biggest issues that the human race would idolize? Did God know that what we see with our eyes would be the hook to our many forms bondage? Yes!
The word “image” has a definition that I especially like. “The concept of a person, product, institution, etc. held by the general public, often one deliberately created or modified by publicity, advertising, propaganda, etc.” I think we can all agree that this is in the very air we breathe.
In Genesis 1:26 God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…” This was God’s design and blueprint for you and me from the outset of creation. Isn’t it ironic however that in Genesis 3:6 Satan used the whole idea of image to deceive Eve and bring the whole of God’s creation into a lost mass of society. It was then that mankind would forever be held by the distortion of image. Do you remember the children of Israel? No sooner had God delivered them from their slavery and misery in Egypt, you find them making a golden calf to bow down to and worship.
Our quest for meaning, fulfillment, and purpose has been informed by all the wrong sources. The god of this world has artfully crafted and refined his skills in a “show and tell” of images that has captivated humanity for centuries.
Where do we go from here? Is it possible for you and me to come back to God’s original intent for us as women? Let’s continue to walk this path and recover what God had in mind when He created us in His image. We can, because we know that His purpose hasn’t changed, restore the true beauty and joy of God’s likeness in our lives.
Read Romans 8:29. What do you think God is telling us in this verse?
Look up the word “conform” in a dictionary. How does this help you to understand what you read in Rom 8:29?
What things or images have you allowed yourself to be conformed to other than Christ? Have you found the satisfaction you were looking for?
How have you been encouraged by what you’ve learned in this devotion?
totally on point.
so much of the world’s system is more more more and then people feel empty and
exhausted by the chase..
this is well spoken.
thank you.
i needed to read this today.
bless u core church.
( a not of this world film student )