Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Prov 31:30
Have you ever heard the statement ” 40 is the new 30″? The other day I overheard a program which said that, “60 is the new 40”. It seems to me that the quest with staying youthful is reaching a standard that is nearly impossible to maintain.
No matter what brand of b.b. creams or serums I purchase, the inevitable fact of growing old will take it’s course. Sure, I can try to hold off the process but eventually father time will loosen the fingers that have held so tightly to physical beauty.
When I look at my ten year old granddaughter I see a complexion that is smooth and radiant, cheeks that are full and colorful, eyes that are bright blue and sparkling, and her lips are full and a pretty natural pink. Does this surprise me? Of course not, she’s 10! This is the season of her youth. This is God’s divine order for her life as a young girl. Grandma, on the other hand who is 50 something, no longer has those youthful attributes. Yes, I spend the much needed routine of blushing my cheeks, pinking my lips, and using mascara to help out my lashes. Although I go through this routine, I’d be kidding myself by obsessing over trying to achieve the youth and beauty of my granddaughter. This is not God’s divine order for the human body. I’m aging exactly as God meant for me and everyone else.
I love the fact that God’s Word doesn’t (cover up) the inescapable truth about beauty and aging. 2 Cor 4:16 tells us that our outward flesh is decaying. But the godly woman can see growing older as something to look forward to rather than run away from. God has a true beauty prescription for every woman of God. It’s a quest worth pursing!
1 Peter 3:3-5 tells us, “Your adornment must not be merely external–braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses, but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.”
It’s easy to get our eyes off of what God is saying to us as women. We get sucked into the whirlwind of pursuing the outward standards of beauty that our world bombards us with. In God’s eyes there’s something more endearing, enduring and lovely that happens on the inside of a woman who loves God. As she ages she will radiate from within an imperishable beauty. Her beauty will be the product of a gentle and quiet spirit who’s faith and virtue honors God and reflects the glory of Christ.
Ladies, as I close out this series I pray that you will find yourself among those who…
Are growing more in love with Jesus
Renewing your mind, perspective and purpose in His Word
Submitting your life to His will
And radiating His beauty in your walk!
I definitely agree with you on societies view on women and youth. But I am confident that growing in the Lord and understanding what a Proverbs 31 woman is keeps me happy and content at any age.