Now faith id the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the men of old gained approval. Hebrews 11:1-2
I’ve come to that place where I have embraced that life is very daily. What I mean is that at some point you realize that much of life is a routine of unspectacular daily actions that are wired into our existence. The day in and day out is not always heart pounding or soul stirring. Getting ready for work, sending your kids to school, pushing the vacuum or preparing a meal is simply the stuff of life that is daily and without much fanfare.
When we read Hebrews 11 we observe a list of men and women who’s faith in God was extraordinary. Verse by verse we read how they lived out their faith, although imperfect as they were, with an undiminished endurance. Yes, they failed at times and had to learn difficult and consequential lessons along the way, but overall they kept at it and kept coming back to their overall faith and hope in God. As we get to verses 30-39 and read of the heroic feats of these saints of old, we may be tempted to think that life for them must have been one monumentous act of faith after another. Not so!
These men and women had to face the daily challenges just like the rest of us. Putting food on the table, dealing with relational conflicts with family members and neighbors. Caring for their land, moving, dealing with hostile people, raising children, and financial concerns. You name it the list goes on. All this while following God day after day.
Remarkable faith is developed over a lifetime. From birth to death we are required to live out very unremarkable moments that often seem of no consequence. But it is exactly here where God is working to further us in His process in making us the men and women He’s purposed us to be.
Learning from their examples, in Hebrews 12, the writer encourages us to run with patient endurance the race marked for us. Did we see that, “patient endurance”? This patient endurance will test the metal of every child of God throughout our existence, but God waists nothing! If we think we are ready to stand in the furnace, let us first be tested in daily acts of faithfulness. Are we willing to endure ill treatment with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin? Are we ready to rejoice when reproached for Christ and embrace it as “greater riches” than the treasures of (Egypt) this world?
Let’s begin right where we are. Your day at the office, your sacrifices as a mom, your mornings in prayer and bible reading, your service to your church. These are the building blocks, the ordinary and the enduring that develops a truly extraordinary faith.
Good morning. May our Lord Jesus Help .we are surrounded by hurting people with no Hope. Your will be done ….Father God..we need you God. We love you Lord Jesus with our All in All. AMEN 🙏 🌱 THANK YOU LORD JESUS 🥰