“But you (Timothy), be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; 2 Tim 4:5-7
Last Sunday morning was New Years Eve and I couldn’t believe another year was over. The news app on my phone looked back on all the headlines that were the top stories in 2017. What a year it was! On a personal level there was a lot to contemplate as far as my walk with the Lord and my service to Him. I know I could have done better and I could have done more.
We will never be able to repeat the 365 days that God gave us in 2017. Those days are gone forever. Now we’re looking into another new year. By the grace of God we have 360 days ahead of us as we begin 2018.
So as we look ahead we want to ask ourselves “what will this year tell about my faith and service to Christ?”
The apostle Paul is nearing the end his life and ministry and he is ready to pass the baton on to Timothy. In these verses he shares vital words so that Timothy will finish strong in his faith and service to the Lord.
With just a few words, Paul shares with us the hardship of his present, the heartbeat of his past and the hope he holds for the future.
Paul begins in verse 6 telling us about the hardship of the present. He is living in prison waiting for his execution for faithfully declaring the gospel of Christ.
First, Paul sees himself as a “drink offering” about to be poured out. What is the apostle saying? Paul borrows this image from the Old Testament. The drink offering concluded the sacrificial ceremony.
Essentially what Paul is saying is that God’s saving grace in his life has meant one thing and one thing only. A sacrificial offering poured out, for His Lord.
Paul say’s “I’m ready now, to complete that sacrifice by laying down my life for the One who gave His life for me.”
Next Paul remembers the heartbeat of his past. For over thirty years he has fervently served the Lord. Paul likens his life and ministry to that of a long distance runner who has competed honorably in the ancient Olympic games.
“I have fought the good fight.”
This phrase carries a much broader meaning than we commonly associate with a fight or a boxing match. The word is agon from which we derive our English word “agony.” It pictures an athlete coming off the field, having given it his all and his best.
Paul sees himself as crossing the finish line exhausted but exalting because he reached the end.
It’s easy to begin a race. It’s easy to run hard for a few miles. But it is much harder to finish a long distance race well.
The life of Paul beckons us to run well, keep pace, to stay focused and to finish strong.
Years before Paul stated his life’s purpose in Acts 20:24,“I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me — the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”
Then the apostle concludes his look back on his life by stating, “I have kept the faith.”
Paul is saying that throughout the long, lonely, difficult and demanding race, he has kept His eyes on Jesus and has held fast to His word.
Then finally, in 2 Timothy 4:8, the aging apostle looks ahead and writes about his hope for the future.
“Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”
Paul knows that there is for him a crown, which would never fade, and this crown of righteousness is God’s reward to those who are faithful to His Son.
Ladies, God is giving you and me a fresh opportunity in this new year to live for His kingdom and His glory and to serve Him with all our might. Our homes, our jobs, at school and our neighbors are the ministry that God has put before us. Let us not grow weary!
For Christ’s sake, like the apostle Paul let us fight intensely, endure bravely, guard faithfully and finish strong. The face of our Savior is waiting to welcome us home!
That last sentence really warmed my heart! Thanks for this post.