“As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness; when I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness.” Ps 17:15
Five years ago my husband and I took a trip to the Grand Tetons. I had heard about the Tetons for years, but I had no idea of what was in store. We flew into Salt Lake City and rented a car and drove to our hotel in Jackson Wyoming. The drive was pleasant and I enjoyed traversing through a different terrain other than L.A. After a few hours we rounded a stretch of highway and there they were. I had never seen mountains so perfectly carved and peaks that were chiseled to such fine majestic points. It simply took my breath away. During that trip, I would slip out of our hotel room early in the morning and just gaze on this divine spectacle.
When you come to Christ regardless of whether it was an emotional experience or not, you knew that a transaction had taken place. Unlike anything you had experienced before, you had met your Maker in His divine love and mercy. Christ became the One to whom in your heart of hearts you knew was the reason that you came face to face with the Infinite God in His forgiveness and grace. If you were attending a solid bible teaching church, you learned that part of this glorious reconciling and redeeming exchange there was a relationship yet to be discovered. A daily walk with the Savior of your soul was now ready for the taking. If you began to study God’s word, you soon realized that the human drama played out in pages of scripture and behind it all He was there. In no uncertain terms, God appointed His beloved Son to arrive on the scene of our desperation and become once and for all our remedy. History has told its story of battles and triumphs, suffering and song, life and loss, passion and pain. And then we have Biblical history where once again we see inescapable truth. From womb to tomb generations of men and women, kings and kingdoms, rich and destitute. We were created for our Creator! Oh, thank God for His patience as He gives days upon days to come to the end of ourselves and take up our pursuit of Him.
A divine shift had taken place in the core of our being and the thought of Jesus for the true follower is now an ever-present delight. But there is another truth that we cannot ignore. As long as we are on this planet there is a gravitational pull calling our hearts away. Rarely is it in the obvious or the perceptible. Our eyes turn back to the old focal point of the world. This time we think we are wiser because we have Jesus who will help us get a handle on it and manage it in its proper proportions. Ever inching our way back and seeking God’s approval along the way, the war of two worlds has made its way into our hearts. Jesus is still there but He is no longer enough!
Could this be why scripture is replete with examples, exhortations, pleas, and promises in order to keep us rightly joined to the One Who is enough?
Does our faith show the world that God is enough? To be satisfied means, to be content with what has been experienced or received. Ladies, we’re pursuing the very things that the world says will bring fulfillment and identity. Christian women, when did Jesus stop becoming our all in all? Let’s rediscover what only can be found in Him and may the world see through us that He is enough!
I will always be thankful for getting to see the Grand Tetons. Spectacles like that help to lift my heart to our magnificent Maker! However, I can never exchange experience or any other pursuit to satisfy this mortal heart.
Hannah Whitall Smith said, “The last and greatest lesson that the soul has to learn is the fact that God and God alone, is enough for all its needs.”
Read- Gen 1, Col 1:16-20, Heb 12:1-2, 2Cor 5:17-19, Phil 3:7-8
This has truly ministered to
My heart. It came at the right time because I was looking to my on resources to help
Me through some challenges I am going through. I forgot that indeed God is enough. Thank you my Sister in Christ.