A few weeks ago I decided to tackle a three hundred piece puzzle. For the puzzle enthusiasts, that may not sound like a worthy challenge but for me anything more than a twenty-five piece puzzle like the ones I used to do with my kids was a bit daunting. I had a Cinderella puzzle that I bought years ago up in our closet and with that I began the adventure. I knew from experience or at least what I taught my children, that you always begin by finding the borders and edges and putting those pieces together first then you fill in the rest from there. I also remember telling my kids, “keep looking at the picture and that will help you to place the pieces where they belong.” I quickly discovered that with so many pieces nothing but time and patience would get me to the completed end. But there was an added bonus to the bigger picture that I hadn’t notice until I put my glasses on. There were tiny figures almost imperceptible that were placed throughout the entire puzzle. The larger objects obscured these hidden figures, but when it came together piece by piece it all made sense in a beautiful way!
Simple things can speak volumes and God certainly had something to teach me through this. As believers in Christ we are instructed to walk by faith. God’s word commands our trust throughout scripture and we are given examples of men and women who did exactly that. They walked by faith trusting in the God who created the heavens and the earth without the help of any created being. They placed their confidence in the infinite wisdom of One who simply spoke the worlds into existence with perfection, complexity and beauty. It was a learned process however.
These men and women of faith (read Hebrews 11) had to learn just like you and me that life with all of its very human realities is ordered by a Creator who is achieving a greater good beyond our own perceived understanding.
At times there are obvious scenarios that appear to us to be the favorable hand of God and we rejoice. But for the most part our days, weeks, months and seasons test us in what we don’t understand or see making sense let alone how its all fitting together. This is exactly where our faith in God’s infinite wisdom becomes our refuge and our strength!
One of my constant scripture companions is Romans 11:33, “O the deepness of the riches, both of the wisdom, and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways (the order of his counsels and doings) past finding out!” Geneva Bible
What was my take away from the puzzle? One puzzle piece at a time and each had a specific place, uniquely fitting together to make the whole. Even the hidden figures served their purpose to make my little project complete.
O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; for You have worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness. Isaiah 25:1
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