Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.
Col 3:2
I can’t believe it’s mid summer as I find myself saying again, ” the year is half over”. How is it that the last six months have raced by so quickly? When I came to Jesus thirty-four years ago, I lived with a consuming preoccupation about heaven.
After all these years I’m grateful that the Spirit of God still reminds me of the hope of heaven. But honestly, as I flip the calendar over to each new month the demands of the daily often overshadow the bigger picture. Like most women, and I hope you can relate, I do a pretty good job at coming and going with stuff to do. The busyness of marriage, motherhood, ministry and life has a way of consuming my energies. As a result the immediate often crowd’s out the eternal.
The Lord is faithful! In my quiet time with my bible open He reminds me of the bigger picture. And here’s the bigger picture for us as believers. Life with all its decisions, dramas, and duties was meant to be lived in light of eternity. As Christian women we have all the potential of living each today with eternal significance.
The opening verses of Colossians 3 is like putting on my reading glasses. As soon as I read those words everything comes back into focus. Our heavenly Father wants to adjust our focus everyday with an eternal perspective. How does that happen? With our bible open, listening to His voice. Within moments not only is our perspective renewed, but our purpose for each day is re-viewed.
What makes an ordinary person into someone with extraordinary purpose in his or her arena of life? It’s vision! The ability to see daily life through the lens of eternity.
Thank you so much for what you do! Today was my first day at Core Church Culver City 12:30 service. It was truly beautiful to watch God move through your ministry and music and delivery! I will be back and I will tell my friends about this amazing church and what God is doing here! God Bless you and this Blog!