We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. Colossians 1:28
Yesterday morning started out as a typical morning does in my world. My feet hit the floor, I head over to my kitchen, I start the ritual of making my coffee and I open my bible. As I sit reading and sipping and praying over the day, it’s not long before the noise and the rush of life get me up on my feet and into the day. As of a few weeks ago my schedule now includes taking our puppy for his morning walk. Like any good doggy parent I headed for the park so he could take all of his feisty energy into the wide open space. Little did I know what the Lord had in store.
There was another woman at the park with her dog and we immediately engaged in all the dog lingo of play time and training. My first thought was, where would I turn this conversation to Christ? God took my desire and opened the door for me. The woman asked me, “What do you do for work?” I happily replied that I was a wife, mother and grandmother and homemaker. Her response was so obviously a divine appointment to which I jumped right in. She looked me in the eye and said, “I have a career, but I want so badly to find a husband and have a family.”
This woman began to pour her heart out to me right there in the park. She shared with me her many bad choices in men and her longing to be loved. I heard about her journey of girls night out at the clubs and her desperation to be open and give men a chance. Her anguish for marriage, children and a home are compounded by the fact that she is entering mid life.
I knew that as she and I stood there in the park that time was short and the moment was now. I began to share the gospel. I looked into her eyes with such intention and compassion and assured her that God loved her and that His love far surpassed any human love she has ever sought after. I pointed her to the cross of Christ. I went on to give her the truth about Him and why He came to this earth. I continued by sharing that in Jesus and Him alone we are reconciled to our Creator and can experience a relationship with Him in which we are complete. A love that is unconditional and all fulfilling.
As time would have it, our puppies were worn out from their play time and she had to get to work. She looked me in the eyes again and said, “I would like to talk more about this with you.” I invited her to our church and as we parted ways, we both expressed the desire to meet back at the park soon.
When I got home I shared what happened with my husband to which I added, ” This just made my day.”
Ladies, it’s so easy to let life just happen. With all the busyness of life we can miss the most sublime opportunities to share the love of God and the message of the gospel. We encounter women everyday, even at a park, who are longing for this life changing truth. Be intentional with this message and allow the Lord to open your eyes to the souls He wants to touch through you.
New to your blog and to Core Church and I have to say I love it! Thank you for posts like this that can remind me that anywhere we go He is there with us to help us guide others to His word.
Can’t wait to see you all at church this Sunday!