Reclaiming Biblical Disciples

We are beginning a series on Sunday mornings titled “Grounded in Truth.” This series will take our members through the biblical foundations of the faith. Many churches assign this topic to a mid-week class taken over a few weeks to orient the new believer in their walk with Jesus. So why would we choose to do this series on a Sunday morning when you have a varied audience of people? This comes on the heels of observing through years of ministry, individuals who have sat under a half-gospel narrative. We are witnessing the sad reality of the church that has abandoned the full gospel and chosen instead to present sermons that have diluted, dulled, and deceived an entire generation. Folks who have no tolerance or time in becoming a true disciple of Christ and have been taught to embrace the felt needs Savior who will affirm us.

Al Mohler writes, “In the first place, our “needs” are hopelessly confused – even hidden from us. As a matter of fact, the knowledge of our deepest needs is a secret even to ourselves until we receive that knowledge by the work of the Holy Spirit and the gift of Scripture. 

Listen to what Paul exhorts Timothy. 1 Tim3:15 “but in case I am delayed, I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.

Is it any wonder that the church is lacking in her witness, and her influence in the world? Are we saddened by the fact that vast movements in the Christian sector look and sound more like the culture? Why? Because we have drunk the kool-aid and been taken captive by those who appeal to our undiscerning appetites.

This quote by Jeffrey Johnson is a clarion call to the church. “Once the clarity of Scripture is in question, then the church is tempted to interpret the Scriptures through the lens of the culture and whatever social trend that happens to be politically correct at the moment. And once the church goes down this road, the church loses its foundation. 

Because a subtle crack in a foundation can lead to the demise of the whole infrastructure, every Christian, every minster, and every local church must be on guard against anything that threatens the doctrine of sola Scriptura. Because the church is the pillar and ground of truth, the truth is vital for the existence, nature, and purpose of the church.” 

I’m so looking forward to what we are about to embark on. This series will be more than just ticking the boxes on reading your bible, praying etc. May many more be encouraged in becoming disciples by to planting the flag in (sola Scriptura).

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