“Behold the fig tree and all the trees; as soon as they put forth leaves, you see it and know for yourselves that summer is now near. So you also, when you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is near. Luke 21:29-31
I love when spring rolls around. The sights, smell, and sounds are unlike any other season. There are always the tell-tale signs that winter is coming to an end. Before spring makes it grand arrival you see the budding trees. I have an orange tree in my back yard. And after long months of winter, the orange blossoms suddenly make their appearance and that lovely perfume starts wrapping itself around the atmosphere. It’s not long before tiny green (almost pea size) oranges have replaced the blossoms and spring is in full swing. These signs are so refreshing after months of a brown and barren landscape!
Jesus used a similar illustration to drive home a spiritual truth. After predicting Jerusalem’s destruction, Jesus described His second coming. It will be accompanied by all kinds of cosmic signs, producing great fear in those who are unprepared for the end. On the other hand, it will ignite hope in those who are waiting for His return. The disciples had asked Jesus when these things would take place and now He answered their next question, what, what will be the sign?
In verse 29 we hear Jesus’ reply, “Look at the fig tree”: The fig tree is just one example of a tree that buds before summer. The idea is that when a fig tree buds, there is an inevitable result – summer is near, and fruit is coming. In the same way, when these signs appear, the coming of Jesus is at hand and the inevitable follow.
Throughout this chapter, the Lord keeps repeating a phrase that every church generation is meant to live by. “Recognize”, “straighten up”, “lift up your heads”, “be on guard” (other translations “watch out”), “be on guard”, “keep on the alert”, and finally “pray.” I think the emphasis is clear, Christ’s disciples cannot afford to wave the banner of grace with one foot in the world and the other foot tapping to the tune of “All to Jesus I surrender.”
The global landscape is crying out with the signs of the season. The hostile political divide, the moral and spiritual downslope, and everyone doing what is right in their own eyes is clear evidence of where we are heading. But my greatest concern is what we are witnessing among professed believers.
More than ever I am convinced that one of the enemy’s tactics is not to put blatant sin in our path. Rather, he is patient and methodical in wearing us down with the little vices. The acceptable sins if you will, because after all other Christians are okay with it. If the enemy can keep us content with half-hearted Christianity, it’s not nearly as dangerous to his agenda as a fully committed disciple who’s looking to Christ’s return and pursuing holiness with a whole heart.
How then should we live? These are simple suggestions that I too must remember daily.
Get serious about any compromise or secret sins. Acts 3:19 Jer 15:19
Start a fresh reading schedule with your bible. One chapter a day, quietly and undistracted can do more good than five chapters in a hurry. Jer 15:16
Pray- better to have your first conversation of the day with your Savior, than the many things that plague our thoughts and weigh down our hearts. Luke 10:38-42
Get committed. If you’ve been church hopping, stop! Commit yourself to a solid bible teaching church, nothing else is of more importance. Apps, conferences and live streams are helpful but they cannot replace faithful worship in the house of God!
Reconsider how you spend your time when nobody else sees you. Could it be that the reason the church is facing an impact crisis is that we have made a separation between the sacred and the secular? For Jesus, all of life was sacred and He intentionally lived on a divine timetable. Eph 5:15-17
Begin serving somewhere in your church. We all need accountability and responsibility. What a great way to keep our eyes off of ourselves and invest in God’s kingdom and the lives of others. Acts 2:44-47
Let (His) light shine!- We only have one life to live so may we live it with the Cross before us, and the world behind us, no turning back, no turning back. Let’s live in light of eternity watching, waiting and working until His glorious return!
Such glorious remembers! Thank you Laurie !🙏❤️