From someone who’s been married for over three decades you might be wondering what could I possibly know about the blessedness of singleness? As a married woman I’m able to see the possibilities of singleness with an understanding that marriage has responsibilities that involve both blessings and sacrifices. This is what gives me the heart to want to encourage and uplift the single woman. As I’ve had the opportunity to know women who are waiting for “Mr. Right” one observation is apparent, some are thriving and others are just surviving.
Often times the single woman’s greatest challenge in experiencing the blessedness of singleness are the well meaning members of the church. They don’t get how someone who is gifted and godly is not married. Their emphasis that “God has him waiting for you” minimizes the possibility that it is the Lord’s will for you to minister as a single woman, using your spiritual gifts and talents. God’s plan for singleness is about so much more than simply living in a state of suspended animation.
I love the book of Ruth. In just four short chapters we see the purpose and resolve of a single woman.
Let’s see this old story with new eyes. Ruth “gleaned” where the Lord placed her. Her life—especially her faithfulness in hard circumstances—provide powerful lessons for us as women (married and single) to embrace the life we are assigned.
Ruth resolves to work: In chap 2:1-7 Ruth resolves to be a blessing instead of a burden. She works in a field of hard labor but she does it without complaint and provides support for herself and her mother in law. Ruth could have sat around the house waiting for her situation to change. Instead she resolves to be productive and giving. She had a selfless and serving heart.
Ruth resolves her witness: In chapter 2:21-23 we read that Baoz tells Ruth to stay by his maids in the field so that she would not be the target of the other men. She worked right alongside the other women. What does this tell us? She obeyed the boundaries to insure her witness. She didn’t have the need to advertise on and catch the attention of potential suitors. Her witness was one of purity and integrity. In chapter 3:10-11 Boaz observes her witness by saying,”For all my people in the city know that you are a woman of excellence.”
Ruth resolves her will: As was the custom Boaz had to go and find Ruth’s closer relative and give him the opportunity to marry her first. We don’t know how long this took but we do know that Ruth had to wait. How easily could she have allowed her emotions to take over and go get her man? At the end of chapter 3 Naomi tells Ruth in verse 18, “Wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out. Ruth chose to walk alongside the faith and wisdom of an older godly woman and obey her counsel.
Ruth’s reward: How did God reward this young woman who walked with such resolve? The place she traveled to with an old lonely woman was the very place God had a blessing ready and waiting for her. And as a result she would become part of the family history of our Savior Jesus Christ.
The blessedness of singleness can prove to have rich purpose if you are willing to simply resolve to let God use this season of your life. For Ruth she experienced both earthly and eternal rewards. Could it get any better? I don’t think so.
Thank you Laurie, its Alesa Williams. I had forgotten about this lovely story and what a blessed reminder to all us single women that God has a plan for us and no 2 are the same. A reminder to ”be anxious for nothing but in all things with prayer and supplication let our request be made known unto God and the peace……etc……will keep are hearts and minds thru Christ Jesus”.