“Many daughter’s have done nobly, but you excel them all.” Prov 31:29
It’s that time of year again when most mom’s will receive cards, phone calls, or maybe even flowers. If the family is feeling especially generous, perhaps brunch at a restaurant. The annual words of “thanks” and acknowledgments will be celebrated through out our nation. My husband and children have been so sweet to remember me with cards and coffee dates over the years, and I’ve cherished every memory.
I remember being so thrilled with my first pregnancy. The thought of becoming a mommy was something I eagerly looked forward to. As God graciously gave us three more to love and nurture, I also remember how the honor of being a mom was frequently defeated by feelings of inadequacy. I had my share of battles wondering if I was missing all the opportunities that are available to women in the twentieth century. When I compared myself with the women media and society, I always felt so small and unimportant.
I want to take this opportunity to bless and remind all of you moms, of your value. This is what God has declared as excelling all other endeavors or achievements that women can aspire to.
In Deuteronomy 6, God reveals His design for teaching children His word and the laws of life – by their mothers and fathers. Diligently training them within the context of life at home, and to observe their parents’ daily example. Unlike what society has bought into the idea “it takes a village to raise a child” a mother is a child’s first and most important teacher! God chose your children just for you and your particular strengths and weaknesses. When we have those days of feeling inadequate in the task, we must remember the Lord is faithful to more than enable us in this effort.
A mother is blessed with an exceptional opportunity to serve the Lord. “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40) We serve the Lord whenever we give them a bath, potty train, or wipe a nose! When we send them to school with a scripture in their hearts or singing praise songs in the “minivan”, eternal seeds are being planted. Do it all as unto the Lord! Serve Him with gladness, and your children will learn this from you!
A mother is also blessed with the precious ministry of spiritually strengthening her home by establishing her children in the word of God. Don’t listen to the nagging voices of being inadequate for this task – don’t let the enemy discourage you! If you’ve grown weary, turn your eyes back to the word and begin anew!
The Lord is faithful to our efforts to train His little ones and big ones on His behalf. They are His children first and foremost! He has entrusted them to us for an almost invisible dot on the infinite timeline of eternity.
After 36 years of mothering and becoming a grandmother, I thank God that He kept me on this course. I wouldn’t change a thing. I have no regrets! Moms, I pray this brings fresh perspective to your role! God has entrusted you with His treasures. What is the best you can offer up to Him? It is our children, investing in them for His kingdom, His glory and the knowledge of Him.
Happy Mother’s Day moms!
Thanks for the wonderful encouragement! The Lord brought you to mind on Mother’s Day morning (as a much-loved, second “spiritual mom” to me), & I prayed for you! Thanks for your godly example, Biblical wisdom, & all your encouragement. Love you, Laurie!
Thank you Bethany, the Lord bless you!
Amen!! It is such a blessing to serve God in these daily tasks that only He sees and acknowledges as worthy and precious. So thankful to be a mommy 🙂
Big hug from Jesus sweet mommy!