We recently adopted an adorable and much to our surprise, obedient Golden Doodle dog. But he has a dirty little secret. He loves drinking toilet water. We’ve never owned a pet who’s brought us such fun and companionship as this one. Steve and I sometimes say, “this is too good to be true.” The one and only thing that causes me any perplexity about our sweet dog is his affinity for the commode. Now matter how much fresh water he has in his bowl, he heads straight to the bathroom lapping away joyously.
As I watch my dog and think, “are you kidding me”, I have to wonder at the lesson that might be there for many of us. Physical thirst is something that God created in every human being. Over the years we’ve discovered the signs and symptoms of dehydration and the benefits of staying well hydrated. I personally am a big water drinker.
But there’s another thirst that God created in each is us as well, spiritual thirst. Since the dawn of time, man has been born into this world with a longing. We may discover it in our teens as I did, or we may be mature adults. It’s a longing that is inescapable and we may spend a lifetime trying to satisfy it. From the wealthy and the well groomed to the poorest poverty has to offer, spiritual thirst is inevitable.
In the Old Testament the children of Israel (God’s chosen people) teach us the perils and pains of attempting to quench their thirst outside of God Himself. Jeremiah 2:13 God say’s, “For My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.”
Ladies, as Christians we can look around and see how the world and those in it try to fill their thirst. Drugs, alcohol and sex are the most obvious. Then there are those who look to careers, relationships or climbing the financial ladder. What about those who claim to be spiritual but not religious. Those who embrace everything humanitarian, polite and politically correct, but deny the One true Savior for all mankind.
Yes, I think we can all agree that these are broken cisterns that never have and never will quench man’s true thirst. But what about you and me? Are we as godly women trying to quench our thirst outside of our beloved Savior?
Let’s find in Him, Jesus, all that He came to be not only for us but in us. Let’s look to Him and drink of the living water that will truly quench our thirst.
Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him (her) shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him (her) will become in him (her) a well of water springing up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14
added italics mine
Dear Laurie,
I love your blog.
I love your analogies.
I love the way you always bring it down to Scripture,
painting a picture of Christ in our moments of today.
Relevant to our culture but never irrelevant to the word of GOD.
Your sweet spirit coupled with boldness, never derails us from
Who our Savior Is. Thank you for disciplining us xoxoxo
i love your radio-cast on KKLA & every time I’m in my car &
hear Jesus’ message in you…..I am blessed.
I’ve been following your blog since the beginning! And not
only do I pray for you daily, because Christ is Good, but it
dawned on me after all this time…..I had never told you how much
I love you & Value you & need to hear from you, the things of God,
that He has entrusted you with!
So now I’m telling you :o) Thank you Sister. Abundantly, cindy
Bless the Lord!! Thank you dear Cindy!