But they were disobedient and rebelled against You; they flung Your law behind their backs. Neh 9:26
I think it’s safe to say that our nation is reeling from the recent and tragic events of the mass shootings in several cities. The news stations were reporting one incident after another only days apart. As I watched the media trying to keep track of the unfolding of these horrors, I realized how our society is at best grasping for coping mechanisms. In the political arena, the blame game has been vehemently vocalized. In addition, our state and local officials are addressing the wounds through grief counselors and humanitarian aid. While these can provide immediate and necessary relief from the trauma with lovely individuals who are sincere in their efforts towards compassion, the world is telling us, even crying out to us, something more needed.
Once again the prophets of old speak to our times. Nehemiah has finished rebuilding of the wall. During the dedication service, two themes are prominent in this time of celebration and consecration. The faithfulness of God and the unfaithfulness of His people. To some, the reminders of the sad track record
Can we blame what we see happening to one isolated malady? No, the Bible tells us that there are spiritual forces of evil at work and Satan comes only to steal, kill and destroy. John 10:10 The devil also knows that he has only a short time left to
But we the people of God have been given the awesome and holy calling of proclaiming the excellencies of Him who has called us out of the darkness and into His marvelous light. 1Pet 2:9 But if we are taking God’s truth and flinging it behind our backs in hopes of reaching a more progressive and tolerant society, we are greatly mistaken.
When I read passages such as Nehemiah I have to ask the Lord to examine my personal commitment to His word. I pray with every fiber of my being that we, the people of God, would be revived. Revived in our commitment to His Word, renewed in our fervency to pray and when all is said and done, to be faithful to bring true hope to our hurting world.
Dear Laurie, what we’ve seen in the news these past few days regarding all the mass killings reminds me of an automatic gun that is just firing bullets one after another never ceasing until the gun has been emptied. It’s to the point now that we’re just waiting for the next round of gunfire to go off. When will we wake up and see the damage we’ve done by trying to eliminate God from His world-the world He created.
By closing the door on God we’ve opened the door to everything else that opposes Him. Our solution to all that’s happening is to do what we do best: blame everyone else and pass the buck.
My prayers are that we will indeed turn to God and repent just as we’re called to do in 2nd Chronicles 7:14- “Then if My people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their lands”.
May we as His people follow every step of his command: humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn for our wicked ways.