Sneaky Little Critters

Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that are ruining the vineyards, while our vineyards are in blossom. Sol 2:15

I love furry little critters! Chipmunks and squirrels are among my favorite because of their speed and agility and also because of the way the eat. They are so efficient as I watch them eat through a meal in seconds. What does their diet consist of? Of course we know about acorns, but in my backyard the squirrels here in L.A love my nectarine tree. My husband planted this tree for me about three years ago and this year it produced exceptional and abundant fruit. We were both ecstatic as we were about to enjoy the sweet and juicy fruit from the tree that we’ve nurtured for three years. However, we soon realized that squirrels are fast and if we didn’t get to the fruit before they did, there would be little if anything left to enjoy. From past experience I’ve seen how literally our fruit tree can go from such abundance to such barrenness overnight.

I also see the same application on our walk with the Lord. We can be sure that it is God’s will that each of our lives is producing fruit for His kingdom and His glory. Jesus said in John 15:8, “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.” This is how we glorify God and prove to the world that we have a real relationship with Him. But here’s the question? Is my life, is your life bearing fruit or are there sneaky little critters eating away at all that Jesus promised about a fruitful life in Him?

What might those things be that eat away at the spiritual fruitfulness that you and I long to have as Christian women? Let’s ask the Holy Spirit of God to search our hearts. Here are some things to consider.

  1. Busyness? Always being on the go can become more of a habit that an actually necessity. This habit can eat away at our time in God’s word and prayer.
  2. A relationship? How much is this eating away at your ability to truly grow in your walk with God? Is there justifying going on, when actually it’s robbing your of your best relationship with Jesus?
  3. Free time? What do you do outside of work or when your at home? Many things we do to pass the time can eat away at opportunities to serve the Lord or be more committed to a study group.
  4. An addiction? So often we go to church only to go home and face an addiction that we’ve been trying to manage for years. This without a doubt eats away at any and all potential to bear fruit for God’s glory. Please reach out to another sister, there’s hope! The power of God’s word, the enabling of His Holy Spirit, and the loving support of a godly woman can see you through to victory!

Ladies, by obedience to the word of God and the power of His Spirit, let’s declare war on those sneaky little critters in our lives and enjoy the fruit of an abiding life in Christ. Remember Jesus’ words in John 15:5, “I am the Vine, you are the branches; (she) who abides in Me and I in (her) bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.”

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