Let’s Make A Deal

Two mornings ago I was reading in the book of Joshua. The particular chapters were covering the “oh so exciting” divisions of the land allotted to each of the tribes of Israel. Though tedious and challenging for most of us, there are a few nuggets that are invaluable gems packed with spiritual implications. I came … Read more…

Hidden Figures

A few weeks ago I decided to tackle a three hundred piece puzzle. For the puzzle enthusiasts, that may not sound like a worthy challenge but for me anything more than a twenty-five piece puzzle like the ones I used to do with my kids was a bit daunting. I had a Cinderella puzzle that … Read more…


Over the past few years social media has introduced us to the impact of influencers. We’ve all witnessed these individuals who are the visible and the vocal about specific causes and who have large followings. Usually, the most notable influencers are audacious in their determination to make their voices heard. I looked up the definition … Read more…

Half Baked

If you’ve ever attempted a baking adventure, you might have discovered that something half baked is not edible. I’m not talking about a slightly under-baked brownie, which is actually a good baking tip for the gooey fudgey goodness we all know and love. No, I’m referring to something like a half baked loaf of bread. … Read more…

Take Courage

And that same following night the Lord stood beside Paul and said, Take courage, Paul, for as you have been a faithful witness concerning Me at Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome. Acts 23:11 Our women’s bible study recently studied Acts chapter 23. The more I read the chapter in preparation to … Read more…

To Whom Shall We Go?

Simon Peter replied, “Master, to whom shall we go? You alone have the words that give eternal life, and we believe them and know you are the holy Son of God.” John 6:68-69 Recently Steve and I moved and for the past few weeks I’ve been getting acquainted with my new living space. Unpacking boxes … Read more…