I’m currently reading the biography of Helen Roseveare titled, “Give Me This Mountain”. She served as a missionary in the Congo in the 1950’s and 60’s. I watched and interview of her where she shared some of the glories coupled with the dangers and hardships ( including rape) she experienced while serving the Lord in Africa. At one point the woman who was conducting the interview asked, “what kept you going”? She replied so firmly, “instead of asking myself is it worth it, I asked myself is He worthy? The answer was always yes!”
Where in the 21st century church do you here that kind of resolve anymore? The climate is changing and now more than I ever I’m seeing a whole new brand of Christianity. If you have ever read A.W. Towzer or Vance Havner they were sounding the alarm three or so generations ago.
The word climate has two definitions the one we are most familiar with refers to weather conditions, I get that. But let’s think about the other definition and I think you will understand my thought process of the title of my post- the prevailing trend of public opinion, atmosphere, mood, feeling, spirit, attitude.
If we look to our bibles both Old and New Testaments there were always two camps of people. Those who professed an interest in knowing God, but refused to love Him for who He was and what He required of their worship. As a result they looked to other nations the world etc, adopted their practices and lifestyles and looked to those prophets and preachers who would affirm them rather than convict them. No need to examine ourselves let’s just settle for a form of spirituality.
The other camp were those who actually understood the meaning of the Cross, not only for salvation but the entire package. Sanctification, sacrifice, self denial and service. And get this, there was joy in the lives of these individuals. Read your New Testament and see the grateful hearts that served and sacrificed and counted if a priveledge. They didn’t ask if it was worth it. They knew that Christ was worthy (read Acts 16:25-34). We may never face the hardships of the early church, nor of the missionaries who left everything and every comfort for the sake of Christ. But can we live for Him right where we are? Counting the cost in proportion to His sacrifice?
Readers, I have not arrived I am flesh! The grace of God has patiently dealt with this woman of frail, faulty and selfish tendencies more than I deserve. But I keep striving forward because He my Savior is worthy.
Climate change is happening within the church, let’s wake up. Let’s let the word of God and the Spirit of God transform us to be grateful bearers of the Cross, a people for His own possession, committed until we reach our eternal weight of glory.
Thank you for today’s blog. I appreciate your biblical perspectives.
If you feel led by God, I would love to hear your ideas on what is necessary for a
marraige that lasts.
God’s Best,
Tony Miano