Joy To The World

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10-11

Who of us who truly know the meaning of Christmas could not find reason enough to be joyful during this season? Yet, for many the feelings and attitudes are otherwise. To those who choose to ignore the message and the meaning of Christmas there’s the familiar cycle of spending, eating and drinking and the wish for it all to be over. For some it’s another cycle of giving and getting only to be left with a strange sense of disappointment. For others the season is a sad reminder of loved ones and friends who are no longer alive and the memories of Christmas’s past are re-lived in thoughts and heart.

 There are always reasons, events and circumstances this side of heaven where the joy of Christmas is a challenge to both our emotions and experiences. So how can we embrace the joy the angel pronounced to the weary shepherds that cold and seemingly meaningless night two thousand years ago? Let’s contemplate  Christmas again.

This good news of great joy is for those distressed by sin. The Christ of Christmas is the joy of a heavenly Father’s forgiveness. In Him is the peace of a new standing in our relationship with our Creator. In Him, is the glorious new hope of a heavenly destiny for all eternity.

This good news of great joy is for those defeated by sin. When we accept the implications of His birth, death and resurrection we are not left to our own efforts. God and sinner became reconciled and His life and power live in us to overcome the effects of our human depravity. Col 1:27

This good news of great joy is for those daunted by sadness. Christmas is our forever reminder that Christ overcame the world! All the consequences of life in the here and now and the sadness’s we face in this world will be changed. He, the Christ child will return as King, clothed in majesty and triumph. Soon and very soon every knee will bow and every tongue of men and movements, kings and kingdoms will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Then all mourning will become dancing and all wrongs will be made right.

I’ve not even begun to scratch the surface of the joyous truths of our Savior. I also know this post is not  clever and imaginative. Many have shared and written far greater thoughts than my own. However, when it comes to Christmas God grant me the courage to share the overflow in my heart of this good news of great joy again and again.

Joy to the world! The Lord is come!

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