Little Tweaks

I recently met with our women’s ministry team and our assigned topic was about how to identify heresy. This has been an age- old warning to God’s people since the garden of Eden. But we never outgrow our need to be aware of its subtle and not so subtle effects in the church. The lies are essentially nothing new, but the packaging gets a makeover with every generation. How can you not feel good when you walk into a church, a conference or convention, and see hundreds of other professing followers of Jesus swaying to the music with hands raised and nodding their heads in agreement with the speaker? If there’s an adequate sprinkling if scripture, can this be wrong?

As I was searching for the definition of heresy, I came across this from the Urban dictionary which I hope will offer clarity.

“Heresy is from the Greek hairesis meaning, choose, and by extension in Theological terms, “doctrines of men who have chosen to follow their own views.” In general, heresy is a self-chosen doctrine not emanating from God’s word. Any doctrine or teaching which is contradictory to established Church doctrine based on the Holy Bible is called a heresy.”

Quote- “Heresy is like a tree, its roots lie in the darkness whilst its leaves wave in the sun and to those who suspect nought, it has an attractive and pleasing appearance.” 

 Reader, the danger is not always obvious! Many have used God’s word just enough to fool vast audiences. It’s the little tweaks here and there. There is just enough truth so that the distortion can make its way in through the back door.

Recently, I read a blog from a mainstream and very large Christian ministry. As I was reading something began to gnaw at me. The wording was changing and it sounded more philosophical and culturally relevant whilst using bible references. The explanation of how to view God’s word was being tweaked into a modern interpretation and re-imagination for our times.

Uh oh, hold on could this be happening? Yes, this ministry is making an oh so subtle shift in efforts to address the dangers of our culture by redefining the church’s response. The danger here is that there is a subtle manipulation on the word of God.

Believer beware! As I shared in our meeting, we often speak of expository bible teaching and boy do we need that. But I believe we need to take some responsibility and practice expository listening and studying as we sit in our pews and at home.

Our women’s ministry team is just finishing up a book that I highly recommend. Live Your Truth and Other Lies, by Alisa Childers. Thank God that He has a faithful remnant who are boldly calling God’s people to examine the little tweaks and return to the complete sufficiency of God’s unchanging word.

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