Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
My daughter just sent me pictures of my grandson’s last day of swim lessons. What memories flooded my mind as I remembered decades ago taking my own kids to swim lessons at the local college. I mused at the joy in my grandsons face as he’s posing for the picture and holding his certificate, what a difference from the pics I received on his first day. He was holding on to the edge of the pool for dear life. By the end of the class he’s somewhat getting it while kicking and splashing his way through a great summertime adventure.
One picture however told the story of how my sweet little guy went from fear to joy. His swim teacher was holding him up with her hand under his little belly, while he was making every effort on his part to learn how to swim.
So many of the things that cause us the most difficulty and heartache in life, the source of so much of our anxiety, fear, doubt, and anger with others and with God, is the result of leaning on our own understanding.
God does not want us to be miserable, even in this fallen, world. He wants to relieve our anxiety (Luke 12:12; Philippians 4:6–7), fear (Psalm 118:6; 1 Peter 3:6), doubt (Matthew 21:21; Luke 24:38), and sinful anger (Ephesians 4:31). And so he gives us Proverbs 3:5–6 as a priceless gift.
Let’s consider a few enemies of trusting in the Lord.
- Mulling things over- I don’t know about you but I have mulled things over again and again until I’m blue in the face. Over thinking a crisis or circumstance never accomplishes anything. It reminds me of when I’m on my stationary bike. The wheels are going round and round but I’m going nowhere. Oh, I’m burning calories alright, but I haven’t moved an inch.
- Micro managing- I love to have all my ducks in a row. I’m a happy girl when what’s planned on paper becomes a reality and it all works out with no glitches.
- Manipulating- here’s what the dictionary says about that. To control or influence, use/turn to one’s advantage, maneuver, engineer, steer, direct. How often have we as women resorted to one or more of these methods to achieve our desires? I think of Eve who manipulated Adam, and Sarah who manipulated Abraham. The outcome was disastrous!
When the Holy Spirit get’s through to me and I see these enemies at work in my life, I must repent. I must repent of the pride that lies at the root of this behavior. Then I must humble myself before God and stop, drop, and renew my trust in His wisdom. My supposed wisdom was foolishness all along (1 Corinthians 1:20-29). I thank Him for His tender mercies!
In exercising faith — trusting fully in the Lord and not leaning on our own understanding — we’re not setting aside our intellect. We’re resting our intellect upon our Lord’s infinite knowledge. To do so is to allow him to direct our paths, which lead to our ultimate joy, even when laden with sorrow.
Heavenly Father, in sweet childlike trust, teach me to lean on the sure foundation of your loving omniscience!