We Can Be Certain!

And to Him was given dominion. glory and a kingdom (sovereignty), that all people, nations, and men of every language might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away; and His kingdom is one which will never be destroyed. Daniel 7:14

We are only days away from the presidential election. With the global and national upheaval of the pandemic, the political climate and the elections are contributing to the feeling of uncertainty on a daily level. I have witnessed reactions among God’s people, and I cannot exclude myself, which reveals how easily we can be swayed from the foundations of our faith. I can’t remember a time where I have felt the utter urgency to keep myself glued to scriptures as I have in the last eight months. Why? Because there has never been in my lifetime such access and abundance of information right at my fingertips only to produce quantified doses of anxiousness which no human being can possibly carry on his or her shoulders. It’s tempting to let good intentions get in the way and promise myself just five minutes of media in order to stay in the know. But rarely have I held to that and instead I’ve been sucked into the draconian details of current events. Because of that, I’m compelled to let God’s truth speak first and foremost over and above the up to the minute and often misleading news feeds.

With such uncertainty in our world, what can we be certain of? First, let’s revisit our definition of the word certain. The dictionary uses these phrases-  known for sure; established beyond doubt, unquestionable.

Without getting into in depth bible prophecy, this scripture is relevant to our times! God’s people should own with certainty these truths.

The Son of Man is the important person in the vision. The Ancient of Days gives Him dominion, glory and a kingdom. This is not referring to His inherent dominion, glory and kingdom as God, but to His victory as the God-man through His death and resurrection. God gives Him global rule over everything. His kingdom is to be “everlasting” in contrast to the termination of the previous four kingdoms.

This text refers to Jesus’ Second Coming. When He comes, His kingdom will end all other kingdoms. “All these kingdoms shall in their turns be destroyed, but the kingdom of the Messiah shall stand for ever. It was in allusion to this prophecy that the angel said of Jesus, before he was conceived in the womb, Luke 1:33, He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Benson Commentary

There will be “peoples, nations and languages” in the millennial kingdom of Christ. “Peoples” refers to races, “nations” references geographical boundaries and “languages” carries the idea of linguistic divisions. All will serve the Lord Jesus Christ in His “kingdom” that will “not be destroyed.”  There will be universal knowledge of God (Is 11:9). Perfect world government will rule the day (Zach 14:9).

Jesus reign is one of universal dominion. Man his helpless on his own. The world is not getting better and better. The ultimate triumph will come at the Second Coming after the Tribulation. That event will be cataclysmic where Jesus will interpose into the affairs of the Gentile nations of the world. Then Jesus’ kingdom will have universal dominion.

Ladies, join with me in clinging to our biblical foundations. Our world has nothing to offer in the way of comfort, consolation, sanity or security. Remember, this world has rejected everything biblical, and therefore true, and right and good. But this is not our narrative!

God has provided us with eternal and undiminishing facts about Himself, His Sovereignty and our destiny as His people. Of these things, we can be certain.

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