Nana’s Purse

I love writing about my grandchildren and the lessons that God teaches me through their lives. Just like being a parent, you realize that these precious little rascals often times are the way the Lord gets through to us. My youngest granddaughter has a fascination with my purse. Ever since she turned two, she know’s that nana’s purse has great treasures namely lipstick and gum. Oh the simple joys of youth, but the nonetheless when she comes to visit, it’s only a matter of time before I see her hovering over my purse and her little fingers rummaging through the goods. When she starts reaching for my wallet, then I’ll be concerned. But for now her excitement and earnestness make my heart smile and has proven to be yet another opportunity for God to speak to me.

Psalm 119:162 tells us, I rejoice at Your word, as one who finds great spoil. In the NLT it reads, “I rejoice in your word like one who discovers a great treasure.

If you are familiar with Psalm 119 you immediately get the sense that the word of God dominated his world. He’s on a one track narrative that brims with longing and passion. He hungered with every fiber of his being to know the heart of God and to hear every word from His lips. This was more than a thirst for knowledge, he wanted to drain every last drop from the fountain of God’s word so that his life would conform to God’s commands.

It was Charles Spurgeon who commented, “The profits made in searching the Scriptures were greater than the trophies of war. We too have to fight for divine truth; every doctrine costs us a battle, but when we gain a full understanding of it by personal struggles it becomes doubly precious to us.

This year will mark for me forty-four years of walking with the Lord. I know that rarely has my flesh ever wanted to cooperate with the daily discipline of putting the Lord and His word first at the beginning of my day. When I was a young mother as soon as my feet hit the floor I could hear my infant stirring in the crib. When my children were school age there were all the tasks of getting them out the door. Then we decided to homeschool our children. Need I say more? For years I had to rush to my bible in the whee hours of the morning just to regain some sense of sanity. When our children were married and out of the door I was under the elusion that all distractions would be a manageable minimum. Oh no, somehow someway I was still having to prioritize that sacred time by battling everything in my flesh to sit at God’s feet.

I see very clearly a generation with a new set of distractions. Social media posting, Youtube watching, Facebook commenting, Tic Tock viewing and the like, are crowding out the the eternal for the momentary. Yes, I’m aware that technology can also provide us with lot’s of spiritual edification right at our fingertips. But in my view, the quiet hour with God and our open bible is irreplaceable compared to the voices we seek out rather than finding the indescribable treasure in God’s word first.

Scripture is indeed a treasure to win. And sometimes there is a battle that must be fought first to win it. But there is also a joy to experience. “I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure.” It’s beautiful to think your way through a portion of Scripture, to meditate, study and pray and then see the treasure that is revealed. Bible study enriches our lives. It not only helps you understand the Word but also enables you to become more like the Author. Warren Weirsbe

Dear Lord help us to recognize that battle and prioritize our pursuit of knowing you! May we anticipate the search of digging into Your word and discovering more of You and the truth as You have set forth the standard. And may we find Your word to be the greatest treasure for life and godliness this side of heaven.

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