The Lord Our Banner

You have given a banner to those who fear You, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Psalm 60:4

This morning the Lord gave me a fresh word and a renewed vision as I was reading Psalm 60. Over the last three years we have witnessed a major shift on the moral and spiritual front. We are being bombarded through every forum of communication by an agenda to sway our thinking and it has worked. The battle ground of good and evil is unleashing its worst. The stakes are high! We are witnessing the cause of God’s truth potentially going under as the waves of fear and or indifference are washing over the heads of God’s people. When we look to God’s word, we are reminded of truth that reestablishes our bearings when everything else is on the precipice of disaster.

Flag Day was established on June 14th to honor the national flag of the United States. To receive such a day of recognition, the flag must truly be an integral part of our nation’s identity. In the same way, The Lord our Banner must define a Christ-follower’s identity.

A flag, also known as a banner, symbolizes an organization. It tells something about its history and shared values. For countries at war, it rallies soldiers in battles.

God has given us a banner! In the Old Testament the banner was the rallying point for God’s people to gather. This was the place and the point where God’s cause would prevail as His people placed their faith, hope and trust in Him for the battle.

Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee – The word rendered “banner” – means anything elevated or lifted up, and hence, a standard, a flag, a sign, or a signal. It may refer to a standard reared on lofty mountains or high places during an invasion of a country, to point out to the people a place of rendezvous or a rallying place. The idea is that God had committed such a standard to his people that they might go forth as soldiers in his cause. They were enlisted in his service, and were fighting his battles. Barnes’ notes on the Bible

 The New Testament give us the very fulfillment of an even greater confidence beyond a physical symbol. Christ our risen and glorious Savior is our banner. 1 Corinthians 15:57, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Ladies, don’t grow weary! Don’t be swept under the tide of the spirit of the age.

Jesus is our rallying place! He secures, sustains, and supplies! In Him we are given assurance and enabling confidence as deception and darkness are taking so many captive. As women we must daily and I do mean daily, look to Him and His word in this battle and onward to victory. Raise high your (banner) Jesus, cling to the rock of your salvation and watch the darkness defeated and the triumph of your faith in Him.

Read the following scriptures- Isaiah 11:10 and 12:2, Exodus 17:15, 2 Corinthians 2:14

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