The Good Fight

Our women’s bible study is gearing up for another season of studying God’s word. This season we are studying the gospel of John. We’re using a format that was used in our previous church back in the early 80’s. It requires six days of study questions with each day providing cross referencing from both the Old and New Testaments. I was in my early twenties with two children and one on the way. This format was my very first bible study ever. I credit this method for the discipline and rich foundation in my understanding of the scriptures. I certainly have not mastered the scriptures. I believe it is a life long journey. We are never done discovering the infinite God and His eternal purposes worked out in finite man. With that being said, I gathered our women’s leadership to share the vision for the upcoming season. I shared a word of encouragement as well before we get underway.

The apostle Paul exhorted a young man who was about to enter the ministry. In I Tim 6:11-12 he said, “But you, O man of God, flee from these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight of (the) faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made the good confession before many witnesses.

Fight the good fight of faith,…. The apostle reminds Timothy, that he had other business to do than to mind the things of this world. Timothy’s life was a state of warfare. He was a soldier, he was not to entangle himself with the things of this life. He had enemies to engage with and Paul did not soften the journey that was ahead. This aged man of God knew at least four of the enemies that would try to derail Timothy’s true purpose. 1. Satan and his principalities and powers; 2. sin, and the lusts of the flesh; 3. the world, and the men of it and a great fight of afflictions to endure with them. Last but certainly not least 4. false teachers, with whom particularly he was to fight the good fight of faith. The truth of the Gospel was at stake in the lives of the God’s people and the lost.

This fight is called “the fight of the faith”; the doctrine of faith, the faith of the Gospel. This is what was once delivered to the saints, and what they earnestly contended, strove, and fought for. The Scriptures of truth!

It was J. Sidlow Baxter who said, “There are foes of the faith in the outside world, in the organized church and in our own fallen nature. We are to “fight the good fight of the faith” against error and evil in human society. Against backsliding and apostasy in the professing church; and against temptation and sin in our own hearts and lives.”

Friends, I’m saddened to see how the post gospel church has retreated from her true purpose. We have softened the scriptures and eased the terms of discipleship. Very rarely do we hear about battling for the truth of the gospel or counting the cost. Dare we even mention carrying the cross? We have small groups where the emphasis is talking about felt needs than examining God’s word. In the name of love the “S” word, sin is offensive. And being inclusive is the priority of the day.

I know I’m going out on a limb this season. I’m asking women to sit with God’s word for 20 minutes six days a week. But the cause it worth it! I’m asking our women and I’m no exception to plant our flags in the gospel. To build or maybe even to re-build our lives on the foundation of God’s word. Unashamed and without apology. It’s the good fight!

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