Timely Conviction

I recently picked out a book in my library that I’ve wanted to read for a very long time. This does not replace my bible study time, no book should ever do that. This book is a supplement as I no longer have little ones running around my house. It’s not a quick read, and it’s not written by a contemporary culturally relevant author. The book is a large volume with long chapters. You will not find funny anecdotes or relatable analogies. It is unapologetic and straight forward. The book is written by a man who was a maverick in his day. His writings have affected millions of Christians ever since. Thank God his books have remained in print!

Lectures To My Students by Charles Spurgeon, is the book I’m invested in at present. This book was written for young would be pastors. He examines such topics as the pastors personal life (one’s conduct outside the pulpit), the inner life, sermon preparation etc. You might be wondering why in the world would I read a book for pastors? After all I’m a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. As much as I relish those titles, I am first and foremost a disciple of Jesus. I want to be counted worthy of that calling. My life speaks volumes of what He means to me. What does that look like? His merciful and gracious salvation toward me should have significant bearing in all aspects of my life. Can that be said?

When you study God’s word you can’t help but see the men and women whose lives were marked by a radical pursuit of God.

Hebrews 11:38 tells us that they were, “men of whom the world was not worthy, wandering in deserts and mountains and caves and holes in the ground.

Yes, they were made of flesh, they were complex and they were not without sin. But the earmarks of their testimony had a common thread. The pursuit to live lives pleasing to Him. We are living in a church culture that is scrolling for a one minute devotion. A feel good mood boosting thought for the day with a bible verse to support it. We want positive affirmations but go lightly on instruction or correction.

This book is taking me to the mat and I need it. Conviction, admonition and correction it’s all there with every reading. But it’s a worthy challenge if I want my life to count. Yes, I’ve read books by women such as Elisabeth Elliot, Amy Carmichael and more. This is just my season for Spurgeon. πŸ™‚

If I can offer a word of hope to anyone let me start by saying, failure and excuses have marked my life again and again! Repentance and returning to the Lord have been a familiar theme. But with those hard truths I see His mercies that are new every morning. I see His patience and compassion when I’ve wanted so much to live up to His goodness and come short. I thank God for the writings of men like Spurgeon! Men who point to the realities and the honor of serving the Lord! Timely convictions indeed!

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