“The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see.” Heb 11:1 Message Translation
When ever I read my bible and come across a man or a woman who accomplished something so totally awesome, outrageous and unbelievable, because they believed God, I”m inspired to want to do the same. I love to read biographies of those whose faith in God and desire to spread the gospel carried them through the seemingly impossible and insurmountable. These saints of old are my hero’s and mentors. But what about you and me? In reality our faith may not be required to build an ark, sit in a den of lions or be burned alive on a stake. We live in different times but the call to faith in God is still the platform by which you and me can most glorify Him. I believe there is an abandon, and radical faith that is not dampened by circumstances or deterred by culture. A faith like Paul that can say, “I believe God”! A living faith when a thousand voices contradict, takes its stand and say’s, ” let God be found true”.
When you look at things as they are, they can seem to stand awfully strong against what God says they can be. But faith sees eternal truth as present fact. Faith in real-time means courage when truth is compromised, stamina when others are selling out, and integrity before image. Personally, I’m still working on this life of faith and I know there is much to learn on the road ahead. But let’s you and me ask God, the same God of the saints of old, to live His life in and through us to achieve those great and mighty things that He longs to do in the lives of His people today.
Read Roman 4:18-21 What effect did Abraham’s faith have on his present circumstances? How did his faith effect future generations. How does 2 Cor 4: 18 encourage you?
How is your faith in God effecting your present circumstances? What effect does your faith have on those who know you best? Will your faith be a legacy of inspiration to future generations?
Right before reading your blog this morning, I tweeted the following lyric that touched me: “‘So I’m giving up… On clarity… Cause I want to trust where I cannot see.'” Salvador, You Rescue Me…” ahhh, faith that can move mountains… I long for more and more of it (did it take Abraham 100 years before he didn’t waver?! j/k). When I get anxious or nervous about circumstances, thankfully, most of the time, it doesn’t take tooooo long before I recognize the Holy Spirit ministering to me and reminding me of God’s promises, faithfulness, mercy & grace. But I’ve often prayed, “Lord, help my unbelief.” I love your sentence, “…faith sees eternal truth as present fact.” Thank you, Laurie, for sharing your heart and helping us ponder these truths that strengthen our faith!
Thank you. I needed a shot of holy boldness. There was a Christian musical I saw once and the lyrics of one song said, “I’m gonna lay down my life and fight. I’m gonna lift up my sword and shield. I’m gonna stand up and sing praise my God and my King until all of my enemies yeild.” That’s what came to mind right now. God bless.
Love it! I am right smack in the middle of a personal study of Hebrews 11 “hall of faith” and reading Britt Merricks-BIG GOD ( fantastic BTW!) which breaks down the hall-of-faithers! Abraham is a great study and encouragement in that we too often create and settle for ishmael when we have been promised Issac. Yet Abraham passed the test and was deemed faithful by God because Abraham obeyed the Lord. He obeyed in his actions when he was called and he went and he obeyed in his heart when he offerd up Issac. This is Faith…the eternal truth as present fact… even when “our thoughts are not His thoughts nor our ways His ways.” God Bless!!!
(Laurie)”I believe there is an abandon, and radical faith that is not dampened by circumstances or deterred by culture.”
This is words of wisdom! I am praying for this wisdom to be bestowed upon my loved ones so that they may receive salvation with Jesus Christ. This statement is paramount to removing the blinders from unbelievers. What a great devotion!
(Laurie)”But faith sees eternal truth as present fact. Faith in real-time means courage when truth is compromised, stamina when others are selling out, and integrity before image.”
This is something to stand on, thank you. It is good to finally have other Christians to relate to and communicate with on a regular basis.
I was doing devotions early this morning and this scripture was provided to me. Ezekiel 24:13 “now your impurity is lewdness. Because I tried to cleanse you but you would not be cleansed from your impurity, you will not be clean again until my wrath against you has subsided.”
To me this fits with your devo because it is showing us that God wants to cleanse us through our adversities. You have provided an excellent description as to how to remain consistant in having faith in God. I certainly do not want to face the result of not being obedient to God in this area much less in any area. Thank you so much for your wisdom and encouragement!
What a divine truth and encouragement. Thanks for teaching us this week. I especially loved the portion of this teaching that says:
“But faith sees eternal truth as present fact. ”
May this be said of me!