One Among Many

The other day I watched a biography on the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I came across one of his books decades ago titled “The Cost of Discipleship” and was greatly inspired. Watching the video version of his life brought about a renewed conviction to make my life count for Christ. He is one among many … Read more…

The Godward Focus

Over the last three years since the pandemic hit our shores, I’ve noticed how subjects such as anxiety, fear and worry have been the topics of so many sermons. The church has been addressing these issues for good reason. God’s people just like the rest of the world have felt and experienced the fallout of … Read more…

Here and Now

We have just finished out another season of women’s bible study. We spent nineteen studies looking into the book of Hebrews. My admiration for the authors passion and skill to present the sufficiency and superiority of Jesus has increased to the nth degree! Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the author was moved, I … Read more…

The Lord Our Banner

You have given a banner to those who fear You, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Psalm 60:4 This morning the Lord gave me a fresh word and a renewed vision as I was reading Psalm 60. Over the last three years we have witnessed a major shift on the moral and spiritual … Read more…

Nana’s Purse

I love writing about my grandchildren and the lessons that God teaches me through their lives. Just like being a parent, you realize that these precious little rascals often times are the way the Lord gets through to us. My youngest granddaughter has a fascination with my purse. Ever since she turned two, she know’s … Read more…

2023 Possibilities and Breakthroughs

I recently watched a documentary on folks who’s lifelong dream was to climb Mt. Everest. This has been the fascination of many for over a century. According to Wikipedia, “The 1922 British Mount Everest expedition was the first mountaineering expedition with the express aim of making the first ascent of Mount Everest.” Men and women … Read more…